Saturday, April 28, 2012

Is There Other Life In The Universe?

    When we think of other life in the universe we normally think of little green men. But we have to realize that bacteria is life too. There's evidence of bacteria on Mars so that should end this question but people want intelligent life, not this boring bacteria.
    If we think of how big the universe-wait- can we even think of how big the universe is? There's no size to compare it too so it's quite hard to comprehend. This is the first "proof" of intelligent life. The universe is so big there has to be at least one other planet in the universe that has intelligent life. Scientists have found math to prove this idea. This idea should end our search, but still people want more evidence.
   Scientists have been looking for radio signals from aliens for decades. They have found some strange signals but nothing that answered this question. Many people believe that aliens don't exist because we haven't picked up a radio signal from them. Well, radio signals travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second (that might seem fast, but it would take years to reach the nearest star and century's to reach farther stars). If aliens (who might live in another galaxy) sent their radio signals right now, it might take millenniums to reach us. So if aliens exist in the universe it would take a long time for their radio signals to reach us. Intelligent life has a high possibility of existing in the universe.
   This ends our search, but if you have more ideas you can respond.

Picture Copyrighted:
Green Martian. Web. 8 May 2011. <>.

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