The Ultimate Theories

1. String Theory
       This theory tries to combine the big and the small. The string theory is that we are all made of quantum strings. They are a trillion times smaller than an atom. This theory also says that there are 9 dimensions. Scientists believe this is the TOE.

2. The Big Bang Theory
   This theory suggests that the all the matter was formed together in a tiny rock at the beginning of the universe. The tiny rock contained so much energy it exploded and that caused all the matter to expand into the world we know today.

3.  The Special Theory of Relativity
   Einstein created this theory. He states that no one can travel faster than light and the speed of light is constant. This started a scientific revolution.

4. The General Theory of Relativity
   Einstein created this after the special one. In this one he says that gravity can affect light and time. He also states that time is the fourth-dimension.


  1. I thought the big bang theory was a show! By the way, I recommend it for people age 11 or older!

  2. I always here about this string theory on the show "The Big Bang Theory", but I didn't know what it was. Why is it called string theory, anyway?
