Friday, April 27, 2012

Does God Exist?

   There is a big argument going on whether God exists or not. Many people believe its the big bang that created the universe, not God. The big bang is odd because as we all know, a universe can't be made from nothing. People say that the universe has been here forever but that can't be right because science says the universe is only 15 billion years old. Others say that there is evidence for the big bang but it's more likely that God just created the big bang.
   How could life exist if there was no God? Life can't just magically appear in the creation of the universe, something had to create it. Imagine playing with Lego blocks. You can't create a Lego city with just waiting around for a big explosion to happen. You have to create it, so therefore you are a god of the Lego city. If you don't agree with my answer you can respond.

1 comment:

  1. God could have created the Big Bang, and I beleive in God also.
