Friday, August 10, 2012

Do Doppelgangers Exist?

   Doppelgangers are people duplicates. They are exact clones of people. For years people sighted them everywhere. One incident involved 42 witnesses! It seems highly unlikely that these are faked.
   It is unknown what doppelgangers are. Do they act exactly like the subject or are just normal people? This question does not have much scientific exploration and remains unanswerable.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is Teleportation Possible?

  Teleportation is always an exiting concept. To just vanish and appear somewhere else would just be amazing. Most people just believe that teleportation is absolutely impossible! Or is it?
   Over the past few decades people have started to be able to teleport atoms. Let's start with 3 atoms labeled A, B, and C.  Lets say atom A and atom B meet each other. They will exchange information with each other, this is also known as entanglement. (This entanglement is like a string connecting two atoms. They can be light years away from each other, but if the slightest vibration happens it will destroy the string.) So now whenever something happens to atom A will affect what happens to atom B. If atom A is spinning clockwise, atom B would be spinning counter-clockwise. Now, lets say atom C makes contact with atom B. Atom B will exchange the information of atom A with C. At that exact moment, atom A ceases to exist and atom C contains atom A's information. Atom A has been teleported to atom C. This is one form of teleportation but it is very hard to do. Especially if you are trying to teleport regular objects, that would involve destroying the original object. You would have to kill yourself to actually teleport yourself this way.
   Another way to teleport is to turn atoms into light particles, send them to another area, then turn the light particle into the original atoms. This is a very long process and with a (number so big you can't even imagine placed here) of atoms in everyday objects that would be almost impossible. It is possible to teleport atoms but not regular objects with today's technology.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Is It Possible To Be In Two Places At Once?

   Many of us believe the answer to this question is no. Of course it is, I can't be in my house and at a amusement park at the same time. But in quantum physics, the answer is yes. If you have no idea of what I'm about to talk about, look at the atom diagram.
  Atoms have electrons orbiting them. Because they are so small we don't know exactly where they are around the center (nucleus), so we classify them as waves moving away from the atom. This is considered as being in every place around the orbit of the nuclease, so it's in more than one place at once. This is also know as the Uncertainty Principle, it states that these electrons could be anywhere and it is impossible to know the velocity and position of the electron at the same time. Therefore it is possible to be in two places at once, but only at atomic size. Confused? Don't worry, most scientists are too!

Atom Diagram. Web. 28 May 2012. <>.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is Time Travel Possible?

   To many of us time-traveling is just science fiction. Or is it not? Today we will think about the possibilities about time travel.
   Einstein created a theory known as the theory of relativity. In it, it suggested that time was the fourth dimension. It also said gravity could slow time down. So if we are in space, time would go quicker than when we are on Earth. This happens because we move slower in a high-gravity place like Earth than a low-gravity-place like the moon. So Einstein thought about two duplicates of a person. One was on Earth and the other was in a rocket ship traveling at the speed of light through space. They stayed this way for 5 years.  When the duplicate in space came down to Earth he was much younger than the other one who had aged. This is an example of time travel, but not possible at the moment.
   But this is traveling into the future, what about the past? The past is much more complicated. There are many paradoxes that make traveling to the past impossible. Let's say you travel to the past and kill your great-grandfather as a kid. This would mean that you were never born, but you were born to kill you great-grandfather. Some people think you would vanish into thin air but other people think a parallel universe would be created where your grandfather was a different person. Also if you travel back in time before the time machine was built, that would mean there was no time machine and you couldn't travel before it was made. These paradoxes deem traveling towards the past impossible but people always find a way to prove science wrong.
   This ends the question, but if you have any other ideas about this or want a question answered, all you need to do is to respond.

Picture Copyrighted: 
Time Traveling Machine. Web. 1 May 2012. <>.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Is There Other Life In The Universe?

    When we think of other life in the universe we normally think of little green men. But we have to realize that bacteria is life too. There's evidence of bacteria on Mars so that should end this question but people want intelligent life, not this boring bacteria.
    If we think of how big the universe-wait- can we even think of how big the universe is? There's no size to compare it too so it's quite hard to comprehend. This is the first "proof" of intelligent life. The universe is so big there has to be at least one other planet in the universe that has intelligent life. Scientists have found math to prove this idea. This idea should end our search, but still people want more evidence.
   Scientists have been looking for radio signals from aliens for decades. They have found some strange signals but nothing that answered this question. Many people believe that aliens don't exist because we haven't picked up a radio signal from them. Well, radio signals travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second (that might seem fast, but it would take years to reach the nearest star and century's to reach farther stars). If aliens (who might live in another galaxy) sent their radio signals right now, it might take millenniums to reach us. So if aliens exist in the universe it would take a long time for their radio signals to reach us. Intelligent life has a high possibility of existing in the universe.
   This ends our search, but if you have more ideas you can respond.

Picture Copyrighted:
Green Martian. Web. 8 May 2011. <>.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Does God Exist?

   There is a big argument going on whether God exists or not. Many people believe its the big bang that created the universe, not God. The big bang is odd because as we all know, a universe can't be made from nothing. People say that the universe has been here forever but that can't be right because science says the universe is only 15 billion years old. Others say that there is evidence for the big bang but it's more likely that God just created the big bang.
   How could life exist if there was no God? Life can't just magically appear in the creation of the universe, something had to create it. Imagine playing with Lego blocks. You can't create a Lego city with just waiting around for a big explosion to happen. You have to create it, so therefore you are a god of the Lego city. If you don't agree with my answer you can respond.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Old Is The Universe?

    Science tells us the universe is about 15 billion years old. The Christian Bible says it's about 6,000 years old. Which is right? Are the people who wrote the bible right? The writers lived a long time ago and they did not know all the things we know now. Did  did they mean that was how long humans were around? That seems reasonable. Or are scientist's wrong? How come we have so many questions from one question? We may never know! What's your answer?